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Upcoming races

This page shows you the list of all the races on which you can bet.

Click on the button "Bet" at the right of the line of each race to start betting.


Last races

This page gives you the list of all the races on which it was possible to bet during the last 30 days. Using the filter "Bets" you can only see the races on which you bet.

The column "Stakes" remembers you what you bet on each race and the column "Earnings" indicates you the total of your earnings for each race.


My last bets

This page enables you to see the list of all the tickets you've bet without seeing the final result or the race (to keep you in suspense).

You can click on the button "See the race" at the right of each line to start the race viewer without opening the race's card.



The betting window is composed of several parts:

- a bar of tabs to go on the race card, the betting page, the list of the bets you already made or the race viewer.

- a big button to start the race viewer and the principal characteristics of the race (name, date, speciality...).

- the area with the list of the runners, that enables you to validate a new bet.

- another area with the list of the runners, that enables you to consult easily their record of achievements.


To make a bet, you have to:

- choose the formula of the ticket (normal, combined, range, multi).

- choose the type of bet (win, place, double win, double place, trio, quarto, quinto).

- choose the starting bet, from 10 to 10,000 sulkies.

- tick the box of the horse(s) that are interesting you in the column "Basis" (and the column "Range" in the case of a bet with the range formula).

- check that the bet is valid (error message over the list of the runners), and that the total of your stake is in compliance with your wish.

- click on the button "Confirm your bet".


The types of bet

- Win: the horse wins.

- Place: the horse arrives in the first 3 places.

- Double win: the 2 horses arrive in the first 2 places.

- Double place: the 2 horses arrive in the first 3 places.

- Trio: the 3 horses have the first 3 places.

- Quarto: the 4 horses have the first 4 places.

- Quinto: the 5 horses have the first 5 places.

There is no notion of order for these bets, if you bet on the 1, 3 and 7 for a trio and the order at finish is 7, 1 and 3, you win.

If there is not enough entrants, some kind of bets are inactivated.



- Normal: you have to select only one horse for a Win or Place, 2 horses for a double...

- Combined: you can select as many horses as you want, all the possible combinations for the kind of bet you chose will be validated. I.e., you bet on 2, 3, 5 and 7 for a Double win, with a starting bet of 100 sulkies. You will have bet 2,3 and 2,5 and 2,7 and 3,5 and 3,7 and 5,7, that is to say 6 bets at the same time (total stake of 600 sulkies).

- Multi: you define 5 horses and the program makes all the possible bets with these 5 horses (46 combinations), that is to say 1 quinto, 5 quartos, 10 trios, etc.

- Range: you select a number of basic horses (1 for a double, 2 for a trio, 3 for a quarto, 4 for a quinto) and as many horses as you want in the column "Range". The program validates all the possible combinations with all the basic horses and each horse of the range. For example, for a double place, you choose the 2 for your base and the 5 and 7 in the range, so you bet on 2,5 and 2,7. The base is the horses you trust, and the range is the horses you think they can win but you are not sure enough. To bet on all the horses except those of the base, you can use the button "Full", that will tick their box for you.


The odds

In the runners' list, you see a column "Win" and a column "Place", there are the odds at the present moment for the bets "Win" and "Place". An odds ratio of 16.5 means that if there were no other bets validated after yours (but your own bet will change the odd itself), you would win 1650 sulkies for a bet of 100 sulkies.

The odds are given for your information at the moment of your bet (to indicate you the favourite horses of punters), they never means what you will really win that at the finish.


The past performances

The column "last ranks" of the runner's list gives you the list of the last performances of each horse.

In the example here above, the last performances of the number 1 are 9 9 5 (12) 0 etc. That means that he arrived 9th at his last race, 9th at his penultimate race, 5th at the previous race. The (12) means that the following places have been run during the month 12 (December), and the 0 means that he was not in the first 9 places.

Sometimes you can see the letter "D", that means he was disqualified for fault (for trot or hurdle).


Calculation of earnings and jackpot

The earnings are the distribution of the stakes of each kind of bet. For example, if 50,000 sulkies were bet by quinto, and there is only one winner, he wins 45,000 sulkies (we redistribute 90% of the stakes). If there were 2 winners, both of them would win 22,500 sulkies.

The yield is the result of dividing the earnings by the stakes of the winners. In the example above, if the only winner had bet 100 sulkies, the yield would be of 450.

But if he had bet 1,000 sulkies, the yield would be of 45.

Some races have jackpots. They are sums of sulkies shared between the winners of the bets, in addition to the distribution of the stakes. The jackpot is shared between the different kinds of bet. A whole jackpot of 70,000 sulkies would produce a jackpot of 10,000 sulkies by kind of bet.

If there is no winner for a kind of bet, the stakes of that bet are shared between the other kinds of bet.

If the yield of a kind of bet is less than or equal to 1 (and not equal to 0), these bets are paid back. For example this can happens for a race where all the punters won because they found the most favourite horse. This can occurs too if you are the one to bet on a race, that's why we recommend you to bet above all on races with jackpots, they attract more punters.